Traducción & Definición

a tiger lily: un lirio atigrado noun


  • "I have a press release planned on the 11th to announce the launch of TigerLily, at the Grand Duke Hotel."
  • "Although "Lion Flower" looks similar to "TigerLily", I am reliably informed that its scent is second-rate and it will only be purchased by those outside our target market."
  • "There is no dialogue, only the rhythm of pulsating African drums. After 15 seconds, we superimpose the Delavigne logo over the girl's face, and then we have a voice-over, with a woman whispering: "TigerLily by Delavigne"."
  • "TigerLily is just the first in a line of four unique fragrances to be introduced over the next two years."
  • "The product, "Lion Flower", is currently being sold alongside "TigerLily" at one third of the price."
  • "We think this scent will make them forget about their past relationships, and inspire them to wear TigerLily, while they hunt for new relationships."
  • "Come out Tigerlily, you're caressing me"
  • "The suggested retail price for TigerLily is 40 dollars."
  • "Delavigne fragrance - this is "TigerLily" if I'm not mistaken!"
  • "Combining exotic Amazonian fruits with the gentle touch of aloe, TigerLily possesses a light, feminine, and fruity scent sure to please women of the most discerning tastes."

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