Traducción & Definición

Thursday: jueves noun


  • "We'll discuss this on Thursday."
  • "Thursday : Sources report that the jet setting juice juggernaut was partying hard in the underwater city of Atlantis , riding sea horses and organizing illegal dolphin fights."
  • "Thursday night is Battle of The Bands night at this basement joint."
  • "I look forward to meeting you Thursday, at 6.00 PM sharp!"
  • "Thursday February 21, 2013"
  • "Thursday, Friday... Funny Days..."
  • "I will meet you Thursday evening at the factory, at 6.00 PM. Don't worry about bothering the employees, they are used to working irregular hours and shifts."
  • "Thursday I don't care about you, it's Friday I'm in love."
  • "RE: Thursday's meeting"
  • "This Thursday, six hard rock bands will each be given 15 minutes to prove that they're the next big thing."

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