Traducción & Definición

(the weather is good) this time of year: (hace buen tiempo) en esta época del año idiom
We don't sell strawberries this time of year. No vendemos fresas en esta época del año.


  • "Now, while she's changing the bill, tell me a bit more about your native Sweden, I've heard it's quite cold this time of year..."
  • "I hear the swell is perfect this time of year, and I can't wait to see those California waves again."
  • "Edward : Well, it says here on the web that North Korea is very nice this time of year... And it looks like they don't have a democracy yet."
  • "It's beautiful this time of year, the leaves are falling, the birds are singing, and best of all, it's hunting season!"
  • "You're an excellent public speaker, it will be great exposure for the company and Boston is beautiful this time of year."
  • "It's beautiful this time of year: the leaves are falling, the birds are singing, and best of all, it's hunting season!"
  • "There are many beautiful flowers there in bloom this time of year, so those who suffer from hay fever should bring some antihistamines or a protective mask."

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