Traducción & Definición

technology: tecnología noun


  • "While I always enjoy a chance to improve my script and cursive writing, a modern company is quite dependent upon its information and technology systems, and indeed a functioning Internet connection."
  • "They truly are the masters of disruptive technology."
  • "Bob : I know it was wrong, but, really there's a lot of interesting research being done on pinball technology these days."
  • "That guy is on the cutting edge of technology."
  • "At the Cryonics Foundation we have the technology to make you IMMORTAL!"
  • "Personally, I intend to achieve my goals as soon as humanly possible, and in one case, as soon as time travel technology permits."
  • "They are setting an example for other businesses through the introduction of green-roof technology and carbon reduction labelling - giving consumers information about the carbon footprints of the products they purchase."
  • "As soon as future medical technology has advanced, your body will be defrosted, healed and revived."
  • "You're right that the benefits of green-roof technologies are poorly understood in America."
  • "The technology behind these perfumed adverts is quite simple."

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