Traducción & Definición

(a) technical (problem): (un problema) técnico adjective
technically: Técnicamente adverb


  • "Look, it's all a bit technical, but the important thing is that my company's future is secure."
  • "Because technically you'd be committing fraud!"
  • "I screamed at him to stop, and said "you son of a bitch", which is technically true, but my client thought I was talking to him!"
  • "I was wondering if you'd like to join me for the interview, since your help is a major reason why they chose our company, and also just in case any 'technical questions' may arise."
  • "Well, technically yes, she was, but let's look deeper."
  • "Philip is correct, your root chakra is technically up your butt."
  • "I need someone who's good with technical stuff."
  • "Bruno : I understand this incident was due to a technical problem, but as CFO you should have realized a long time ago that something wasn't right."
  • "Furthermore, Edward Moon, who was fired twice in the span of 3 hours yesterday, is not technically an employee!"

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