Traducción & Definición

a taxi: un taxi noun
a taxi driver: un taxista noun


  • "I'll send a taxi to pick you up, ok?"
  • "Did you know that this little girl once took a taxi to school for a week while the chauffeur was out sick?"
  • "Taxi Driver : You don't like it?"
  • "To order a taxi or hire a car, please press 5."
  • "Taxi Driver : This is not at all my problem. You owe me thirty dollars for the ride, and shut the door on your way out."
  • "Brian : I even had to pay for a taxi to Delavigne from SFO out of my own pocket!"
  • "I am Gunter, a talkative taxi driver with nothing to hide."
  • "Upon his arrival at Peacenikland airport, Philip Cheeter promptly took a taxi to the country's parliament and demanded to be crowned king."
  • "Welcome to my taxi cab."
  • "Polly : Hello, I was wondering if you could send a taxi out to Conklin Avenue."

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