Traducción & Definición

to take a call: atender una llamada telefónica idiom
Excuse me, I have to take this call. Perdóneme, debo atender esta llamada.


  • "This is Donna Donovan, and I'll be back to take some more calls in a moment."
  • "I'm sorry but I have to take this personal call."
  • "There's a phone call for you, but you have to take it in my office."
  • "I'm busy and I can't take your call."
  • "It's 8 o'clock PM here in San Francisco, and it seems like a good time to take some phone calls from my listeners."
  • "I'm going to take this call - one second."
  • "I'm your host Dr. Donna Donovan and we'll start off by taking some phone calls."
  • "Let's take one more call."
  • "Looks like our phones are ringing off the hook, so let's take our first call, shall we?"
  • "Should I take this one, sir?"

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