Traducción & Definición

to take someone (somewhere): llevar a alguien (a algún sitio) verb

Este verbo es irregular:
I take someone / I took / I have taken
to take (something, time): tomar (algo, tiempo) verb
to take a break: descansar, hacer una pausa idiom


  • "Brent : So Gloria, where are you taking me now?"
  • "I shall take a new companion."
  • "Take this test tube and put the ingredients you brought into it."
  • "Forget about the old West, I'm taking you to the new East!"
  • "Brian : I demand recompense... Take a new companion... Fail in this mission, and my wrath will be swift and brutal... Aaah!"
  • "I took her arm so that I would never forget."
  • "Brian : I'll take the horse!"
  • "Horatio : ...I took her to Australia... But she was eaten by "Sharky" the shark."
  • "I'll take two whiskies: one for me, and one for my horse."
  • "Is take the horse by its long brown face"

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