Traducción & Definición

(laser) surgery: una cirugía, una operación (con láser) noun
You are in need of surgery. Necesita que le operen.
a surgeon: un cirujano noun

UK: I'm pleased to tell you that the surgery was a success.
US: Unfortunately the surgeon died of exhaustion shortly after.


  • "Philip : Well then, you won't mind if I take a little look inside them. Get ready for Dr. Philip to perform surgery..."
  • "I have an appointment with Dr. Bob Loblaw for laser eye surgery."
  • "This dog needs immediate surgery, right Stink?"
  • "I'm getting laser eye surgery."
  • "I have a deviated septum. Thinking about getting surgery."
  • "(Sophie is a surgeon."
  • "Kevin : I'm not sure if I can drink any alcohol before my surgery."
  • "I sincerely hope that you have fully recovered from your recent colon surgery."

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