Traducción & Definición

strong: fuerte, sólido, robusto, resistente adjective
I hope the tea is not too strong. Espero que el té no esté demasiado fuerte.
a strong athlete un atleta resistente
strongly: con fuerza, fuertemente adverb


  • "I stand before you today not as a pimple-faced intern, fetching coffee and making copies, but as a modern-day Adonis: statuesque, strong, confident."
  • "-How strong is it?"
  • "You got off to a slow start, but you finished up strong, especially when you confessed to murder."
  • "I'll be hosting the event in the Delavigne cafeteria with nothing but earplugs and a bottle of strong Scotch to kill the pain."
  • "In light of the preceding, I strongly encourage you to take some time off."
  • "What matters is that this new companion shall be good, strong and wise."
  • "But though our countries are separated by the Atlantic, there is a strong bond which unites all of us in this room;"
  • "Bruno : Felix is a naughty person, and I dislike him strongly."
  • "Hannah has a strong Northern British accent, and equally strong views on many issues."
  • "Horatio : Great, because I have some very strong and very weird ideas about the future of this company."

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