Traducción & Definición

a (city) block (US): una manzana (de una calle) noun
In most cities in the United States, streets are planned and constructed on a grid, forming "city blocks" which are square or rectangular.
He lives only three blocks away. Él vive a sólo tres manzanas de aquí.
Where is the park? It's on the next block. -¿Dónde está el parque? -En la siguiente manzana.
to block (the way): bloquear, obstruir (el paso) verb


  • "Just carry along this road for about a block, and then you take a left at the traffic lights."
  • "Walk one block and you'll find it around the corner."
  • "There's a multiple vehicle collision blocking traffic in both directions right now."
  • "When the police arrived on the scene, they simply had to follow the red footprints which led to an apartment building not even half a block from the bank."
  • "Jean : Straight for two blocks, right!"
  • "Philip : Then go straight for two blocks."

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