Traducción & Definición

Stay tuned!: ¡No se vayan!; ¡Sigan con nosotros! idiom


  • "Stay tuned everybody."
  • "Click on the link below and stay tuned to hear the success story of elderly fall victim, Thelma Fudd."
  • "Voiceover : Stay tuned, Beachview is next!"
  • "Stay tuned everyone because after the commercial we'll have an interview with Germany's only living humorist."
  • "Can a president truly be effective when he has to walk a small dog twice a day? Stay tuned."
  • "I'll take your calls after the break. Stay tuned."
  • "Stay tuned because next we'll ask a goat to explain gravity."
  • "One wonders how the company's CEO, Bruno Delavigne will react to this latest fiasco. Stay tuned."
  • "Brent : Stay tuned, everyone: in the next segment we'll meet a dog who conducts electricity!"

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Me encanta hacer mis cursos de inglés en línea. Unos diez minutos al día son suficientes... Gracias.



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Gymglish me ha permitido mejorar mi expresión oral y escrita en inglés. Una cita que no me perdería por nada del mundo.

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