Traducción & Definición

to starve: sufrir hambre, morir de hambre; privar de alimento verb
Why are you starving yourself? ¿Por qué no te alimentas?
starvation: hambre, inanición noun
There are many people in the world who die of starvation. En el mundo hay mucha gente que muere de hambre.
I'm starving!: ¡Me muero de hambre! (sentido figurado) idiom
to starve to death: morir de inanición, de hambre idiom

UK: I haven't eaten since yesterday and I'm starving.
US: There are many people in the world who die of starvation.


  • "Literally starving."
  • "-I'm starvin'!"
  • "Do I need to remind you about the starving children in the third world?"
  • "Perhaps you will even be lucky enough to see the ghost of the little boy who starved to death in the dungeon."
  • "The crops have failed, the cows are as skinny as a supermodel, and I'm starving."
  • "We're practically saving them from starvation."

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