Traducción & Definición

sometime: algún día, algún momento adverb
You should come over sometime. Deberías pasarte por aquí algún día.
I'll be there sometime after 4 pm. Estaré allí en algún momento después de las 4 de la tarde.
Tenga cuidado para no confundirlo con sometimes (a veces, de vez en cuando).


  • "Betty : I'd like to hear it sometime."
  • "Why don't you drop me an email so we can get together sometime?"
  • "Belinda : Oh, I'd love to see your work sometime Brent."
  • "Bruno : Well I was just calling to see if you'd be available for lunch sometime this week."
  • "Would you mind if my accountant gave you a call sometime?"
  • "Hannah : Well you really should visit sometime."
  • "We'll meet sometime next week, and I'll give you my conclusions."
  • "Due to an unfortunate oversight on Polly's part (she has since been chastised), this wasn't noticed until today, roughly five and half months since the two of you joined the team. What I'm saying is that you two must visit company physician Dr. Bob Loblaw sometime within the next two weeks."
  • " know...go out...socially."

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