Traducción & Definición

a skill: una habilidad, una destreza noun
Success depends on skill and hard work. El éxito depende las habilidades y el trabajo duro.
Philip Cheeter has remarkable skill with the ladies. Philip Cheeter tiene un talento extraordinario cuando de mujeres se trata.
skilled: hábil, diestro, experto adjective
He is a skilled carpenter. Él es un experto carpintero.

UK: My many skills include reciting the alphabet backwards.
US: Horatio is highly skilled with a machete.


  • "Basic computer skills necessary."
  • "Bruno trained his interpretation skills on basic animals at first."
  • "Graduated summa cum laude SKILLS"
  • "As our office is full of creative people, the marketing department wanted to offer the first crack at this jingle to any musicians who want to show off their musical skills!"
  • "Things we DO take into account: Employment history and experience (including references), performance, academic record, competences (knowledge, skill, and abilities), suitability for the job in question."
  • "Joining us is a very special guest, who will test THX-1134's sales skills."
  • "Narrator : Bruno eventually perfected his skills of interpretation until he was ready to take on the ultimate challenge: the dolphin."
  • "Circus skills"
  • "I am shocked and appalled by your filthy mouth and mediocre tambourine skills."
  • "Here in Electric Ladyland we are dedicated to the art of satisfaction, and we are skilled in bringing enjoyment to all."

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