Traducción & Definición

the size: el tamaño, la talla, la magnitud noun
to size: medir verb


  • "It's like 300 times the size of New Zealand!"
  • "In the meantime, if you wish to continue using email, which I gather is important, please reduce the size of your personal inboxes immediately."
  • "We have done our best to reduce the size of our own email accounts by deleting emails older than 90 days, as well as emails with large attachments or animal photos."
  • "What size box would you like?"
  • "Attached to this email you will find a spreadsheet listing the size of the biggest email accounts in the company."
  • "Answers: an LP is a long playing record (size 12 inches, played at 33⅓ rpm);"
  • "I hope the wedding ring I bought you is to your size and satisfaction."
  • "Tatiana : Ok, here we have very large cathedral, next to very big church, next to medium size church, next to very small church."
  • "Brian is not concerned about my size, are you Brian?"

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