Traducción & Definición

to situate: situar, ubicar, colocar verb


  • "Convenience stores are often open 24 hours a day and situated in city centers."
  • "Bruno : Let me read from paragraph number two: "The easily-distracted Delavigne spent most of our interview dancing with various hula hoops situated around his office."
  • "This was not to be, however, since the easily-distracted Delavigne spent most of our interview dancing with various hula hoops situated around his office."
  • "Visitors will have the opportunity to purchase their favorite perfumes in a retail store situated near the exit, and many of the artworks will be inspired by famous Delavigne scents."
  • "Mrs. Brady's International School of English is situated in the delightful countryside of Cornwall, a county rich in history and legends located at the south-western tip of England."

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