Traducción & Definición

a sink: un fregadero, una pila noun
Wash your mugs, don't just leave them in the sink. Lave sus tazas; no las deje dentro del fregadero.
to sink (a ship): hundir (un buque) verb
You sank my battleship! ¡Has hundido mi acorazado!

Este verbo es irregular:
I sink / I sank or sunk / I have sunk


  • "The first apartment did not have a kitchenette, just a large sink on the floor of the living room. I presume the noisy basketball court it overlooked was the "shared garden" to which you referred."
  • "Moira : Next, we'll be speaking to the wife of the man who drowned himself in the kitchen sink."
  • "I recently had guests visit me, and I was quite embarrassed to have to apologize to them about the state of my bathroom. Explaining the large pieces of wood and plaster lodged in the toilet and sink was particularly difficult."

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