Traducción & Definición

since (the mid 90s): desde (mediados de los 90) preposition
I have been working at this company since 1833. Llevo trabajando en esta empresa desde 1833.
Since (you're here, let me show you my new ping-pong table): Ya que (estás aquí, déjame enseñarte mi nueva mesa de ping pong) conjunction


  • "He'd like to see his own image on the bottle - alongside Delavigne of course - since he thinks this fragrance sums up his personality so well."
  • "As you all know, it's been exactly one month since Bruno left the company in search of happiness, and exactly one month since I've been the interim CEO in his place."
  • "You've been in a coma since then."
  • "Alan Woody : Okay everyone, our next comedian has been dreaming of a career in stand-up comedy since she was a little girl."
  • "Since we left England, Susie and I have had quite an adventure."
  • "Jean : Miss Susie, since the first day I saw you in your office, I have been in love with you."
  • "Jean : Well, I'm very hungry, and since we don't eat dinner with Mamie, I suggest we go inside and at least we have a bite to eat, you know "miam miam"."
  • "Since its foundation, the Delavigne Corporation has grown slowly but surely."
  • "Xavier : Now, Bruno, many things have changed since I exploded."

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