Traducción & Definición

simply: simplemente, sencillamente adverb
It's simply a question of time management. Es simplemente una cuestión de organización del tiempo.
You simply have to see this movie. Sencillamente, tienes que ver esta película .
to put it simply en dos palabras


  • "We simply say "snubber-kadda-window-ziiiiiip"."
  • "I simply say "You are fired" in my sexy (and largely incomprehensible) accent and the person limps out of the office with a big smile on their face."
  • "Ira : Sounds to me like you're simply incompetent, making wild predictions and promises that you can never realistically honor!"
  • "You would have thought it would have taken more than simply changing - signs to + signs, but apparently this is all Leeson needed to do to give the impression of success for several months' worth of deals."
  • "Wherever you are, you guys are the real stars of Funky Friday, and you are simply beautiful!"
  • "The idea is that a man can create a sense of untouchable, unquestionable power around himself simply by wearing the perfect suit: colleagues fear him, bosses respect him and clients trust him. All this, thanks to his suit."
  • "By simply accepting Mrs. Hughes' resignation, you could have spared the company this expense, which would have been greatly appreciated."
  • "I simply want you to get to know your child and be involved in their life for the next 40 to 60 years."
  • "However a boycott of imported and remotely-produced goods would be simply irrational."
  • "Now, if there are no further questions, I'll simply say that I look forward to my new role as the spokesbaby for the Delavigne Corporation, and the many challenges that lie ahead of me."

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