Traducción & Definición

simple: sencillo, simple, fácil adjective


  • "I'm just a simple, talking baby who needs to be burped from time to time."
  • "The atrium has a modern design, with a glass and steel roof which is both simple and artistic."
  • "The answer is quite simple..."
  • "It's simple to play."
  • "So, my Christmas message this year is simple: people of Britain, no matter how bad the economy gets, please don't occupy Buckingham Palace."
  • "Now I'm going to conduct a simple experiment to demonstrate the properties of these different materials."
  • "It will be remarkably simple to put in place."
  • "The technology behind these perfumed adverts is quite simple."
  • "Robot : Welcome to Royal Rehab, your simple solution to becoming a better leader."
  • "A simple tie (solid color or striped), preferably with a bit of red."

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