Traducción & Definición

Siberia: Siberia noun
a Siberian: un siberiano, un habitante de Siberia noun


  • "Narrator : Thundera, the Siberian tiger, is surely the most formidable hunter of all, and an imposing presence in the meeting room. Here we see Philip Cheeter, head of sales, negotiating with the help of this magnificent tiger."
  • "Looks like this year there won't be a summer for the Siberians, Brent."
  • "Here in Siberia, the temperature just reached -20 degrees Celsius with a wind chill temperature of -29."
  • "Candy : I'm in Siberia, in a city called Irkutsk."
  • "A rare Siberian tiger named "Shoshana" escaped from her pen at the San Francisco zoo yesterday night and attacked a crowd of seven teenagers who had been insulting her, seriously injuring all seven of them. An eighth person, a six year old boy named Timothy Aldridge, was licked by the tiger, and later said the tiger's tongue felt "like sandpaper" and that her breath smelled like "muffins"."

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