Traducción & Definición

to show: mostrar, enseñar, exhibir verb
Did I show you my scar? It is covered by my underpants at the moment, but I can show it to you if you want. ¿Te he enseñado mi cicatriz? Ahora la tengo tapada por los calzoncillos, pero si quieres te la enseño.
-What movies are they showing? -They are showing an old Hitchcock movie on screen 1, and on screen 2 it's the new Jim Carey movie. -¿Qué películas están dando? -Están dando una vieja de Hitchcock en la sala 1, y en la 2 la nueva de Jim Carey.
a show: un espectáculo, un programa, una exposición noun
What a great show! ¡Qué buen espectáculo!


  • "The fastest woman in the Wild West, and I reckon I should show this horse what happens when horses cheat at cards."
  • "Come to the institute and I'll show you."
  • "Edward : Hey Fonzie, could you show me how the printer works?"
  • "Let's show these people what you can really do!"
  • "Horatio : Show him to us!"
  • "I will show you my love by giving you a beautiful gift, because I am a kind, generous, understanding leader."
  • "I need you to show me how things work around here."
  • "We can show our guests a bit of Australia, and then eat so much that we all throw up!"
  • "Brian Jones will be showing Ms. Lohan the offices, and introducing her to the staff individually."
  • "Brian : We could show you all the great sights: Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, 10 Downing Street, and London Bridge!"

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