Traducción & Definición

to give somebody a shot: ponerle una inyección a alguien noun
Shot tiene muchos otros significados. No debe confundirse con to shoot at someone dispararle a alguien - to take a shot at the goal (in soccer) chutar a la portería (en fútbol) - to have a shot at doing something intentar hacer algo.
I went to the doctor's office to get my shots. Fui al consultorio del médico a que me pusiera las inyecciones.


  • "Sydney : Bloody hell, she just shot Eddy the koala bear!"
  • "(gun shots)"
  • "Plus we'd have to sign waivers and liability forms, probably have to get malaria shots for Ms. Bümbüm and her will be a logistical nightmare!"
  • "I am fully confident in the results because Horatio did the testing in between shots of tequila."
  • "Some are stockpiling flu medicine and getting flu shots, but others are taking less conventional precautions."
  • "(gun shot)"
  • "(more gun shots)"

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