Traducción & Definición

to shop, to do some shopping, to go shopping: hacer compras verb
I went shopping last Saturday. Me fui de compras el sábado pasado.
a shop: una tienda, un negocio noun

UK: I'm going shopping to buy some new clothes.
US: This shop is closed on Sundays.


  • "I hope this helps, and that you continue to enjoy shopping with us."
  • "Susie : The store is on Oxford Street, and offers a completely new, vibrant shopping experience."
  • "Even old people need to go shopping!"
  • "With energy prices high, consumers are also reluctant to make costly trips to the shopping mall."
  • "Shopping is one of our favorite pastimes, and a key part of any American's life."
  • "During the holiday shopping season, you can't escape it."
  • "I understand that you've turned one part of this floor into a furniture shop."
  • "Still others are buying shops and businesses."
  • "Susie : The concept was developed by London's finest designers, to create the perfect shopping environment."

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