Traducción & Definición

to shine: brillar verb
The sun is shining. El sol esta brillando.
to shine shoes: limpiar, sacar brillo a los zapatos idiom
to shine through (the darkness): brillar a través (de la oscuridad) verb
to shine through también traduce "destacarse".

UK: Stop shining your torch in my eyes.
US: The sun shone on every day of our vacation


  • "When there's a shine on your shoes, there's a melody in your heart..."
  • "I have an appointment to have my shoes shined at 3:00, and I don't like to be rushed."
  • "Despite his humble beginnings in the deepest, darkest Amazon, General Oléré stood out like a shining star."
  • "As for today, look for partly cloudy skies, with a few rays of sun shining through in the afternoon: highs of 60, 62."
  • "Good luck, and don't forget to shine your shoes!"

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