Traducción & Definición

a shelf: un estante, una repisa noun
El plural de shelf es shelves.

UK: I am an expert at fixing shelves to walls.
US: My favorite magazines are those found on the top shelf.


  • "Perfume shops all over Paris began to sell Delavigne fragrances on their shelves."
  • "Organization of space (for example, in your case, it may bode ill if your bottles of poison are kept on the same shelf as the herbal extracts)."
  • "I could put your perfumes on the shelves of my stores by next week."
  • "It took him nearly twenty-five minutes to find a small flask of jasmine oil on the alphabetically arranged shelf of botanical extracts."
  • "Offers us 6 months of exclusive exposure on Sheik Jafar's shelves"
  • "I should let you know that the Perfume Hut is already preparing to empty its shelves of all Delavigne products."
  • "If you, err, take a look at my shelves, you can see that all the files there are arranged alphabetically."
  • "Furthermore they have decided to add our line of lotions to their shelves."

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