Traducción & Definición

a sheik: un jeque (jefe de una tribu árabe, título de veneración) noun


  • "Tell the Sheik I'd love to come and visit him in Dubai one day."
  • "We do business with Sheik Jafar on a regular basis."
  • "Cheryl : His Majesty The Sheik wants to enable all the men of his country to smell as good as he does, and to associate this scent with their sheik."
  • "-Buy back 5,000 unsold units from Sheik Jafar's Perfume Conglomerate (Shipped in June) at their retail price of $65 per unit ($325,000)"
  • "My employer, His Majesty Sheik Jafar, is a huge fan of your Bordello Breeze fragrance."
  • "Does the Sheik know that?"
  • "I'll be talking to quite a few retailers and prospective clients: I'm particularly looking forward to meeting Cheryl Mackenna of Sheik Jafar's Perfume Conglomerate."
  • "Of course, it's fine that Sheik Jafar should like the scent - I don't see why not - but to market it with his own image on the bottle?"
  • "Sheik Jafar considers you a worthy adversary."

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