Traducción & Definición

(Let's go to the movies) shall we?: ¿Y si (vamos a ver una película)? idiom
Let's go to the park, shall we? ¿Y si vamos al parque?
Let's take the day off, shall we? ¿Y si nos tomamos el día libre?
Shall we (go)?: ¿Nos vamos? idiom


  • "Brian, shall we?"
  • "Shall I bring some tea, perhaps some biscuits with honey?"
  • "Let's discover together, shall we?"
  • "And where shall I put this pair of boxer shorts with hearts on them?"
  • "So let's move on, shall we?"
  • "Framboise, shall we get going?"
  • "Shall I fetch him from the pleasure lounge?"
  • "Xiao Xiao : So, shall we get your balls rolling*?"
  • "Miss MacDonald, shall we start the tour?"
  • "Shall I mail it to your hotel?"

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