Traducción & Definición

sexual: sexual adjective


  • "Robot : They are there to advise you, not attend to your weird sexual needs."
  • "Nurse Baker : Just a few questions about your general health, where you've traveled, and your sexual history."
  • "Robot : Which conveniently brings us to Step 3: Do not have sexual relations with your cabinet, literally or figuratively."
  • "I am telling you to your face, Philip, with Luna as my witness, that I don't appreciate your sexual innuendos and your constant comments on me, my body, and my clothes!"
  • "As I begin this new chapter in my life, substituting meaningless sexual encounters with meaningful brush strokes, I would appreciate the support of my colleagues as I reveal the fruits of my labor."
  • "In the past 12 months have you had sexual contact with anyone who was born in or lived in Antarctica?"
  • "If you could just tell me at what age you had your first sexual experience, we can get started here."

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