Traducción & Definición

severe: severo, riguroso, estricto adjective

UK: You're suffering from a severe case of flatulence.
US: I was severely injured by a bicycle once.


  • "It can be caused by a severe injury or a virus."
  • "Announcement : Ladies and Gentlemen, we regret to inform you that there are severe delays on the Hammersmith and City line, Circle and District line and the Central line."
  • "At our spacious and tranquil retreat, you will find a solution for all your earthly problems. Whether you have a serious alcohol or drug addiction, a troubled marriage, or are just severely disappointed in your gay children, we have a program for you!"
  • "Philip has told me on numerous occasions that working with an OILS certified company would severely cut into our profit margins, which would not please our shareholders at all."
  • "It seems our guided meditations combined with severe electroshock therapy have been truly beneficial for you."

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