Traducción & Definición

several: varios adjective or pronoun

UK: Tom likes eating several different types of cereal in the same bowl.
US: I've lost several tennis balls recently. I'm quite concerned.


  • "several hours later"
  • "Finally, we will also be opening several new stores in China, to get the most out of this exciting market."
  • "Luna : I see on your resumé that you have worked for several cosmetics corporations."
  • "Each billboard is accompanied by a high-powered fan and several cartridges of Washed Up fragrance oil."
  • "Well, we've canvassed the entire area, and spoken to several marine mammals."
  • "With just a few minor tweaks and several hundred billable hours, we are fairly certain that the Delavigne Corporation can restore its reputation at least for a few months - that's the Slick Brand Solutions guarantee*."
  • "Bruno : Several, I can assure you."
  • "Jonas : Actually Brent, Scandinavia is a region made up of several countries, generally Norway, Denmark and Sweden."

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