Traducción & Definición

to set up (an appointment): concertar (una cita) verb
To "set up" also means "to assemble" or "to erect". Example: I'm going to set up the cupboard I bought from Idea.
I'm still trying to set up this business. Aún intento montar este negocio.
We have already set up a meeting. Ya hemos convocado una reunión.
to set (someone) up: tender una trampa (a alguien) verbidiom
I can't believe my own mother set me up. No puedo creer que mi propia madre me haya tendido una trampa.
to set up (internet access): instalar (un acceso a Internet) idiom
Have you finished setting up the computer yet? ¿Ha terminado ya de arreglar el ordenador?


  • "Bruno : What the hell... Go ahead and set it up Brian."
  • "Brian : Bruno, I have set up the Skyte teleconference with your contact in Australia."
  • "So, uh, please call me back whenever you get the chance and we'll set up a meeting."
  • "Go ahead and set it up, Brian."
  • "I'll get one of the IT monkeys to set it up for me."
  • "I'll set up a meeting for the two of you."
  • "I set up the net, you open the champagne."
  • "So I am. Can you set up a Skyte teleconference for this afternoon?"

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