Traducción & Definición

a session: una sesión noun
I charge $60 a session. Cobro $60 la sesión.


  • "(NASDAQ: IFC) and privately-owned American juice boutique Miracle Juices enter their 85th straight hour, the Peking Duck has obtained an exclusive transcript of a portion of the bargaining sessions."
  • "To make a long story slightly longer, I have 5 more intensive sessions with this lady."
  • "Anyway, I am standing next to none other than entrepreneur Bruno Delavigne, who has just emerged from intense marathon negotiation sessions with the International Fruit Concern, Incorporated."
  • "Still, Miracle Juices' founders, Bruno Delavigne and Horatio Oléré, have refused to accept the initial terms of the offer, leading to prolonged bargaining sessions behind closed doors."
  • "I'm sure we'll find many other problems. Looking forward to our first session on Monday."
  • "Glen : We're going to close today's session with a short chant of "om"."
  • "Today I had my first session with my new life coach, Framboise."
  • "Yesterday, during my "re-education" session, I endured cruel treatment that had but one goal: to remove the very essence of my Britishness."
  • "My yoga sessions help me clear my mind and purify my spirit."
  • "I am sincerely pleased with your progress throughout our sessions."

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