Traducción & Definición

a server: un servidor noun
The server is down. El servidor no funciona.
a server (in a restaurant): un camarero (en un restaurante) noun


  • "A large slab of meat of indeterminate origin (Ask your server)"
  • "Rodrigo (Server) : Oi!"
  • "Server : Hello Mr. Delavigne."
  • "The catch is that as more and more people use the internet, more and more pages are loaded, searches are made, and videos are watched, and so more and more servers are needed to power all this web activity."
  • "You might also have come across an email with the subject: "Delavigne mail server (urgent!)", which was sent 1 minute before the server crashed... weird, huh?"
  • "Jean and I have managed to recover all of our data and transfer it to our new servers, so theoretically you should have received all emails which were sent to you while our server was offline."
  • "Subject: Server Crash!"
  • "And what powers servers?"
  • "I want that server by tomorrow, and I'm not taking "No" for an answer!"
  • "My servers could handle 10 times the traffic if they weren't busy apologizing for your shit code base."

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