Traducción & Definición

to serve (food, a destination): servir (la comida), atender (a un cliente), cubrir (un destino) verb
Have you been served yet? ¿Les atienden?


  • "Bruno : Betty had taken me to a restaurant where dishes were served in total darkness, where diners abandoned their vision and used only their other senses to experience the food they were eating."
  • "Yes, I demand recompense for the slaughter of my beloved companion, who served me so well over the years."
  • "As her delicate hands served each dish, each more exquisite than the last, my mind started to wander and I began to imagine a future with Betty by my side, maybe even as my wife..."
  • "And while I'm here, we'll be serving dinner in about half an hour."
  • "As her delicate hands served each dish, each more exquisite than the last, my mind started to wander and I began to imagine a future with Betty by my side, maybe even as my wife."
  • "What if they're serving breakfast at the conference Donna?"
  • "(We are here to serve you, so please don't hesitate to ask our crew for anything you need to make this flight more comfortable."
  • "It seems that the new European president serves two masters: the people of the old continent as well as Delavigne, his employer for the past decade."
  • "Serving alcohol to minors is illegal."

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