Traducción & Definición

a series (of questions): una serie (de preguntas) noun
a tv series una serie televisiva


  • "I want you to make a series of 90-degree turns so that I can identify you on radar."
  • "SAN FRANCISCO - In a press release issued yesterday morning, San Francisco-based cosmetic company Delavigne Corporation announced plans to release a series of environmentally-friendly products over the course of the next year."
  • "Here's how the focus group will work: I'm going to ask you a series of questions, which you should answer as honestly as possible."
  • "I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to the first of a series of focus groups the marketing department will be holding over the coming weeks, so please reserve the above date in your diaries."
  • "Brian : Have I ever told you that's my favorite primetime drama series, sir?"
  • "Kalvin Krime Cosmetics has been making waves this week, launching a series of perfumed billboards."
  • "The internet is abuzz with new photos depicting former Delavigne Corp intern Edward Moon in a series of "compromising" positions."

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