Traducción & Definición

a security system: un sistema de seguridad idiom


  • "Jean : I don't have a security system. This is why I am scared."
  • "Bruno has also requested that I inform everyone that he has expressed no apprehension about our present security system, and he is very confident in the anti-crime tactics of our security guard, Willy."
  • "To reduce the risk of credit card fraud, we have recently updated our security system."
  • "Now, in that same tradition, we offer you the Super Safe Security System 3000!"
  • "The Super Safe Security System 3000 is the most high-tech and affordable system on the market."
  • "I'm here to set you up with a home security system. She said you were a little worried about burglars breaking in to your home."
  • "It has recently come to my attention that our security system here at Delavigne is terribly inadequate."

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