Traducción & Definición

to ring (telephone): sonar verb
to ring up (on the telephone) llamar por teléfono.
The phone is ringing!¡Están llamando por teléfono!

Este verbo es irregular:
I ring / I rang / I have rung
a ring: un anillo noun


  • "The phone is ringing!"
  • "You could start by buying me a nice big fat diamond ring."
  • "I'm waiting for a baby to ring my doorbell."
  • "( phone rings ) Oh, hang on Bruno."
  • "Here's the Hope diamond... the ring from the Lord of the Rings... a few rubies... and finally my crown - AAAAAAGH!"
  • "Here's the Hope diamond... the ring from the Lord of the Rings... a few rubies... and finally my crown - AAAAAAGH!"
  • "Bruno's phone rings"
  • "Have you not seen my ring?"
  • "Congratulations, you've made the decision to grab the brass ring"
  • "I understand that you wanted to marry a rich guy, at least that makes sense, but yet here you are back in London with nothing to show for it, not even a fancy diamond ring."

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