Traducción & Definición

(human) rights: derechos (humanos) noun
You are within your rights. Estás en tu derecho.
civil rights los derechos civiles
to have the right: tener el derecho idiom
I have the right to know the truth. Tengo derecho a saber la verdad.
You have no right to insult me like this. No tienes derecho a insultarme de ese modo.


  • "The Democrats are also sometimes called "liberals", which originally referred to their strong support of individual rights and liberties."
  • "Unless this contract is signed (in duplicate) by tomorrow, we will be forced to withdraw our 2.5 million dollar offer for the branding rights."
  • "Now we've come to realise that animals deserve the right to be treated fairly in a place free from discrimination."
  • "Nigel Pilkington : I am prepared to pay top dollar for the right to sell your perfumes."
  • ""The May Day protesters are calling for a reform of the US immigration policy, universal health care, improved workers' rights and an end to all wars instigated by the US."
  • "Nigel Pilkington : Mr. Delavigne, I would like the right to distribute your perfumes in my stores."
  • "Leonard : The May Day march is our chance to demand better rights as workers, and Bruno is standing in our way!"
  • "Should any submissions be accepted for the ad, a waiver must be signed by the artist giving the company rights to feature it."
  • "Globalization may signal the end for the traditional American union, but workers' rights are far from dead."

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