Traducción & Definición

right now: ahora mismo, en este momento idiom


  • "Right now, I am so hungry I could die... again!"
  • "Edward : Hi, this is Edward Moon, I'm not here right now because I'm taking part in a secret plot to overthrow the robots that have taken over the Delavigne Corporation - boooo!"
  • "For example, I know that Daddy is very emotional right now."
  • "Right now, I am standing outside the hottest party in Hollywood, home of the most important people on Earth: celebrities."
  • "Do you know where I am right now?"
  • "For right now it's just me and three copy machines, but I think we're going to be huge!"
  • "You need to decide right now: where do your loyalties lie?"
  • "If you're in this office right now, you're a suspect for the murder of Bruno's dog!"
  • "I'm either away from my desk or taking another call right now."
  • "Because I think Bruno is in a meeting right now."

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