Traducción & Definición

Right?: ¿verdad?, ¿cierto? idiom
You're coming to my party Saturday, right? Vienes el sábado a mi fiesta ¿verdad?
Am I right?: ¿Estoy en lo cierto?, ¿Tengo razón? idiom


  • "That's why you killed the dog in the first place, right?"
  • "-You know it's just for one room, right?"
  • "Catchy name, right? I named it after my grandfather."
  • "-I should wear that, right? I thought we would look French"
  • "You like pizza, right?"
  • "Impressive, right?"
  • "You're gonna call me, right?"
  • "I understand that you've turned one part of this floor into a furniture shop. Is that right?"
  • "At our age, it's a surprise every time we get up in the morning, right?"
  • "Not too much to ask, right?"

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