Traducción & Definición

a restaurant: un restaurante noun


  • "When we arrived in Paris, he took me to a restaurant in the Latin quarter for a romantic dinner."
  • "This place looks like a restaurant."
  • "Then in the restaurant, perhaps she drank too much champagne."
  • "Dr. Tzu's Karaoke Palace and Chinese restaurant."
  • "At Parisian Restaurant"
  • "Yeah I think it's definitely a restaurant."
  • "That's one of my favorite restaurants."
  • "Waiter : Hello and welcome to Dr. Tzu's Karaoke Palace and Chinese Restaurant."
  • "Bruno : Betty had taken me to a restaurant where dishes were served in total darkness, where diners abandoned their vision and used only their other senses to experience the food they were eating."
  • "Let's get to the hotel and then find a nice restaurant."

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