Traducción & Definición

a report: un informe, una noticia, un reportaje noun
The weather report predicts blue skies for today. El parte meteorológico predice un cielo despejado para hoy
Could you have that report finished by Wednesday? ¿Podrías tener el informe terminado para el miércoles?.
Did you read the report on last week's meeting? ¿Leíste el informe de la reunión de la semana pasada?
I saw a news report on successful young companies. Vi un reportaje acerca de empresas jóvenes exitosas.
to report: informar, denunciar, presentar un informe verb
Susie reports directly to Bruno once a week. Susie presenta directamente un informe a Bruno cada semana.
You must report the car accident to the insurance company. Debes dar parte del accidente de coche a la compañía de seguros.
a reporter: un periodista noun

UK: I reported him to the police for indecent exposure.
US: Have you read the report I sent you?


  • "Celebrity - Reporting news about celebrities, because they are better than you!"
  • "And he's helping us with our paper recycling system. He's very efficient at chewing confidential financial reports."
  • "MP3 attached to the report."
  • "For those of you just tuning in, it was reported that the eccentric perfume magnate was piloting a hot air balloon while drunk when he lost control of the machine."
  • "Moira : Thanks for that "report," boys."
  • "Eyewitness report by: CLIVE THE BEER VENDOR"
  • "I should really report you to the police, but I will take great pleasure in dealing with this matter personally."
  • "Anosmia may be permanent, although a handful of patients have reported a full recovery."
  • "Brent : Hello everyone, I'm Brent Vanderplop reporting live from London, England."

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