Traducción & Definición

to repeat: repetir verb
to repeat oneself: repetirse verb
Could you repeat that please?: Por favor, ¿podría repetir eso? idiom
I don't want to see a repeat of this!: ¡Que no se vuelva a repetir! idiom


  • "Dr. Loblaw : So, let me repeat myself."
  • "It could be a bogey, I repeat, it could be a bogey."
  • "I repeat, an intruder alert."
  • "This question soon became one of Cheeter's favourites: a sort of mantra which he repeated up until his death."
  • "I repeat, attendance is mandatory!"
  • "I have no patience for stupid questions and I don't like repeating myself."
  • "However, I don't want to see a repeat of this kind of outmoded and inappropriate attitude."
  • "The MP also compared environmentalists to "Nazi-style propaganda peddlers", and said 'if something is repeated to the general public often enough, of course they will believe it."

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