Traducción & Definición
to remind (sbdy) of (sthg), to remind that: recordar (a alguien) de (algo), recordar que
I am reminding you that we have a meeting on Monday. Le recuerdo que tenemos una reunión el lunes.
Can you remind me to go to the post office? ¿Me puedes recordar que vaya a la oficina de correos (oficina postal)?
- "He says they remind him of Bruno Delavigne."
- "Apparently, the painting reminds him very much of his grandmother, who was also red, ugly and had your signature on her bottom."
- "Reminds me of my first hit."
- "I'm writing because I'm contractually obliged to remind you that today is the "Delavigne talent show", also known as "Delavigne's got talent"."
- "He says that it reminds him of his youth in an Uzbekh clown prison, but did not elaborate."
- "I remind you that I am very funny."
- "I remind you that my home country, Ozsglackastan, is not yet part of Europe - the EU is not crazy enough to let us join."
- "Only serve to keep reminding me of how much I missed you."
- "Before we get started, I'd like to remind you that tomorrow's activities include camel boxing, camel racing, and of course the camel swimsuit competition!"
- "I'd just like to remind everyone that I organised a picnic this weekend, and I didn't see any of your faces there!"
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