Traducción & Definición

to recover (from an illness): recuperarse, reponerse (de una enfermedad) verb
Has she recovered from the accident yet? ¿Ya se ha recuperado de su accidente?
you'll recover quickly: pronto te recuperarás idiom
to recover (an old toy, a debt): recuperar (un viejo juguete), cobrar (una deuda) verb


  • "You'll have to contact the impound lot to recover your vehicle."
  • "If the matter is not resolved within four business days, I may commence legal proceedings to recover the debt, without further notice to you, and this letter may be tendered in court as evidence of your failure to attempt settlement."
  • "Bruno : You'll recover quickly I'm sure."
  • "Jean and I have managed to recover all of our data and transfer it to our new servers, so theoretically you should have received all emails which were sent to you while our server was offline."
  • "Terrance is recovering from a minor surgical procedure, but he is still in good enough shape to beat me at nine holes of golf, that son of a gun."
  • "I don't know how he did it, I don't know where he found him or how he captured him, but Horatio has recovered our monkey."
  • "Bruno : Ah... So this part at the end - that climbs - it must mean that our share price will recover!"
  • "I sincerely hope that you have fully recovered from your recent colon surgery."
  • "Bethany : I may commence legal proceedings to recover the debt, without further notice to you..."
  • "Although we haven't recovered their bodies, we now bury the things that Bruno Delavigne and Horatio Oléré loved best: Bruno's dog Stink, and Horatio's monkey Giuseppe."

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