Traducción & Definición

realistic: realista adjective
unrealistic: poco realista adjective


  • "As for your various "herbal" requests, I'm afraid that they just aren't realistic."
  • "It's very realistic, it looks just like a sandwich."
  • "I'm sure the day will come when a brilliant yet realistic suggestion is actually realized!"
  • "Well, it was realistic."
  • "Estate agent : But Mr. Marron, we have to be realistic here."
  • "Edward : I quite like how realistic it is... It almost looks like a real window."
  • "Trial runs in towns with high obesity levels have shown that consumers are likely to avoid unhealthy products if they have a picture of an unhealthy body on them. As part of the new regulations, healthier food options will also feature photos of unrealistic slim body types in an attempt to lure consumers towards these products."
  • "Specifically, I've been thinking about your highly unrealistic expectations of making it in the music industry."

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