Traducción & Definición

Bruno was quoted as saying "I have anosmia": Bruno dijo -palabras textuales- "tengo anosmia" idiom
"This will be the best perfume of the summer", Bruno Delavigne was quoted as saying. "Éste será el mejor perfume del verano", fueron las palabras textuales de Bruno Delavigne.
to quote: citar verb
a quote, a quotation una cita (textual)


  • "Witnesses were quoted as saying that it was a wonder an accident like this had not happened sooner and that it was a miracle that the passengers escaped unharmed."
  • "A New Orleans resident was quoted as saying, "We'll just have to try harder next year."
  • "" When reminded that Zirconda is located nearly 3000 kilometers from mainland Europe, the minister was quoted as saying, "So what?"
  • "Moira : The president was quoted as saying, "I don't know who fired those missiles, but I will find out, and there will be repercussions."

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