Traducción & Definición
to quote: citar
"This will be the best perfume of the summer", Bruno Delavigne was quoted as saying. "Este será el mejor perfume del verano", fueron las palabras textuales de Bruno Delavigne.
a quote, a quotation (for repairing a car): una cotización, un presupuesto (para reparar un coche)
What do you think about the quote I gave you last month? ¿Qué piensa del presupuesto que le pasé el mes pasado?
a quote, a quotation: una cita (textual)
"Veni Vidi Vici" is a famous quotation from Julius Caesar. "Veni Vidi Vici" es una célebre cita de Julio César.
Pronunciation examples
UK: Dylan quotes Roman authors in order to scare me.
US: Your essay relies too much on Shakespeare's quotations.
- "Kevin : The figures you quoted in your emails are very intriguing, Mrs Lee."
- "The quote "Keep it in the family" which has adorned every label of D&C clothing for over 100 years, will have to be changed too as it doesn't quite ring true anymore!"
- "Quotes : "First you get the
moneycandy, then you get the power, then you get the women." - "Listen to this quote: "Bruno Delavigne is hardly fit to run a company."
- "Kevin : The figures you quoted in your emails are very intriguing, Mrs. Lee."
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